General Lab Questions
We are unable to suggest, recommend, or direct patients on what testing should be ordered. You should consult your physician who is trained to take into consideration your symptoms and other factors to determine the best testing in order to provide the best diagnostic information. At best, we can describe the tests, how they work, and what results the tests may show.
Fry Laboratories, L.L.C. specializes in the detection and identification of blood-borne pathogens including (but not limited to) Borrelia, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Rickettsia, Babesia, Toxoplasma, Plasmodium (Malaria), Trypanosoma, other infectious protozoa or bacteria, biofilm forming organisms, and new or emerging diseases. Additionally, we offer DNA sequencing tests to provide the widest microbial detection capability possible based on the genomes of organisms directly.
Unfortunately, some of the information on the internet is not accurate or is misconstrued. The best place to find information regarding tick-borne, vector-borne, or infectious diseases is through your healthcare provider and regulated governmental sources, like the CDC. The internet contains incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information regarding diagnosis, treatment, and testing; therefore, be wary of information from online sources and consult a healthcare provider. Furthermore, there are also online sources that report information regarding the ongoing research projects at Fry Laboratories, LLC. Please note that information regarding the research performed by Fry Laboratories, LLC is included within the Resources section of our website. Official information about Fry Laboratories, LLC will be released by us or through official press releases in partnership with 3rd party companies.
Please visit your healthcare provider for appropriate medical care, test selection, and treatment advice.